Search Results for:居VZP

Model B-6SM

…a 26” shoveling height 1/3 cubic yard capacity Emulsion Spray Unit: Model BH-30-6 Emulsified Asphalt spray and storage system mounted on patcher for applying tack coat. Tank: Two compartment tank…

Model B-8SM

…26” shoveling height 1/3 cubic yard capacity Emulsion Spray Unit: Model BH-30-6 Emulsified Asphalt spray and storage system mounted on patcher for applying tack coat. Tank: Two compartment tank Storage…

Heavy Equipment Specifications

Heavy Equipment Specifications and Catalogs Product Brochures B Patcher BC Patcher Mini Patcher PB Loader Auger PBL Truck Mounted Emulsion Sprayer Line Card Parts Sales Flyers Parts and Service Refurb…

Model 65-CS

…for complete units ready for operation. To air operated by the truck air system. Tank: 65 gallon round tank, ASME approved. 6″ fill opening. Tank to be side mounted on…

Model BH-205-28

…coat. Tank: Two compartment tank. Storage capacity 177 gallon emulsion and 28 gallon solvent. 10 gauge steel with the bottom reinforced. 6” curbside filler cap. Tank dimension 72”W x 24”L…

Model 144-CS

…hoses, spray wand, fittings, valves, etc. for a complete unit ready for operation. To be air operates by the truck air system. Tank: 133 gallon capacity. 24″ diameter x 72″…